January 9, 2014

Best. Favour. Ever!

Well, I clearly went M.I.A. in 2013.  Sorry about that.  Life got busy.  But I’m back and I promise to do my best to not neglect you again. 

So, from the time that I stopped writing, to now, a lot has happened.  I’ve attended about a million weddings and have had about a million friends get engaged.  Ok, ok, I’m exaggerating a little bit – but I promise, only a little bit. 

Last summer, I attended an engagement party.  Now, when I say engagement party, I don’t just mean a little get together at someone’s house or at a restaurant.  I am talking a 300 person, fancy hall, amazing food, beautiful décor party.  At the end of the night, each couple received this:

Can we say: BEST. FAVOUR. EVER!?

How many of you can say that you’ve been to a wedding where you received a favour that just seemed like dead weight?  Sadly, I have MANY souvenirs that fall into this category.  I know, I know.  To the bride and groom it always seems like a good idea to get something that will last. In reality, it’s usually something that will never be used.  I hate to admit it, but a lot of the time I end up “misplacing” these souvenirs.  Yes, we have already established, I’m terrible. But I hate clutter!

So how can this clutter be avoided?  The answer (read: my answer), is a favour that doesn't last forever.  Some of my favourite options include:

1.              Single Boxed Cupcakes
2.              French Macarons  (heart these!)
3.              Monogrammed Sugar Cookies
4.              Chocolates, nicely wrapped in a favour box
5.              Hot sauce with a customized label
6.              For the true splurger, boxed mini cake favours (heart these the most!)


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