September 11, 2012

Real Weddings: Macarons, Macarons, Macarons!

For most, wedding season is just about ending.  But for me, it's only about half way done.  A couple of weeks ago, we attended our third wedding of the summer (only 3 more to go!) 

I have never been to a wedding that was so enriched with Asian culture.  It was a welcome change from what we are used to.  There were a couple of things that truly stood out to me: 

September 3, 2012

What's Your Wedding Style?

I was surfing the Internet a couple of days ago and came across this quick, fun quiz from Loulou Magazine.  It will tell you which celebrity bride you are most like.  

Apparently I have the same style as Nicole Richie and (surprisingly) I'm ok with that!  I can relate to any girl who loves tulle, sparkles and clean lines on her man.  

So what's your celebrity wedding style? Click here to find out! 



September 2, 2012

Dress Me Up: I Heart Pronovias

{Image via Pronovias}

Designer: Pronovias

Collection: 2013 Costura Collection

Name of Piece: Dalamo

Why I love this: Pockets, pockets, pockets!!! Need I say more?


August 23, 2012

DIY: The Date Night Jar

I am in love with the idea of a bride and groom exchanging gifts to be opened on their big day.  However, it can be nearly impossible to come up with an idea that is unique and memorable.

This DIY project is very inexpensive and can be enjoyed for your entire first year of marriage: The Date Night Jar (thank you Pinterest, for the inspiration)!  

What is this, you ask?  Well, come up with 52 date night ideas, write them on popsicle sticks and put them in a mason jar.  Once a week, pull a new popsicle stick out of a jar and voila! You have your date for the night/weekend.

How to make this happen...

August 14, 2012

Get Showered: Chef's Edition

Sometimes choosing a bridal shower gift can be a daunting task. Yes, most people have registries nowadays – But what if you get there too late and there is nothing left? Or if you simply want to get the bride something unique and out of the ordinary? Here are a couple of cute ideas for any chef or baker at heart...

August 3, 2012

Boozy Brides: Classy with a K

Have you ever been to a wedding where the bride was completely wasted? Thankfully, I have not.  BUT, I have heard many horror stories of this happening.  What’s my take on this?  Well, as the title (and the picture below) suggests: not so classy.

{Image via istockphoto}

July 28, 2012

Dress Me Up: High Fashion Done Right

One of my favourite things about weddings is the dress.  It always has been and always will be. So what better excuse is there to scour the internet for dresses than to share them with you? 


{Image via Ritché Bridal}

July 24, 2012

The Toilet Paper Bride

This past weekend was one of my best friend’s bridal showers.  If you have ever been to a bridal shower, you know that it follows a pretty typical format: food, games, presents, games…not necessarily in that order.  This shower was no different, in that it followed this format.  But there were a couple of things about it that really stood out to me:

1. The food was served first. With showers, rarely is this the case.  To me, this was AMAZING (maybe because I love food and love to eat).  Showers usually take place mid-day, but in most cases the food is served towards the middle or end, so by that time, you’re starving! 

2.  The cake was not only beautiful, but was chocolate with Score bits.  Does it get any better than that?

3. There were just the right amount of games – not too many that took up the whole shower, but enough to occupy us and still allow us to socialize.  One game, in particular, really let us get creative:

Now, something that you should know about my friends and I is that we are very competitive.  Not with each other, but collectively as a group.  In it to win it – that is our motto.  So, of course, when it was time for our favourite shower game, The Toilet Paper Bride, we instantly gravitated towards each other to form a team and started planning our couture gown.  You probably think that I’m kidding – I am, but only a little bit.  

While we are quite skilled, we do not compare to the amazing designers below.  Yes, you guessed it.  All of these creations are made of toilet paper.   

{Designer: Carrie Hayes}

{Designer: Christopher Paunil}
{Designer: Jason Matlo}
{Designer: LOVAS Wesley Badanjak}
Images via Cashmere

July 21, 2012

Real Weddings: Flash Mob

A couple of months ago, one of my bests (you can meet her at: Seen in the City) went to Montreal for the weekend to visit her family. When she arrived, her cousin mentioned that he was organizing a flash mob (yes! A flash mob), and asked if she wanted to be a part of it. Well, who in their right mind would ever turn down an invitation to be in a flash mob? If it's not on your bucket list, it should be. 

Anyway, how is this wedding-related, you ask? Well, take a look at this video to see.

(Side note: Watch it in full-screen. It makes it that much better!)

The Details: 
The bridal party planned this for the unsuspecting bride and groom. While walking around, taking wedding pictures, the group stumbled upon this cute little alley in the Old Port. And, there, it began. The music started and the mob slowly started to form (well, not that slowly - the song is only a couple of minutes long).

I can't even begin to express how happy this video makes me. I could watch it over and over...oh wait...I do. One of my favourite things about it is how excited the bride looks. And who wouldn't be, watching this performance?!

How amazing would it be to have the people in your life organize something like this for you? Maybe if you share this video with them, they will be inspired to  get creative - and get the hint!  

Hope this post has put a smile on your face. 


{cinematography by: Benoit Daoust & Jonathan Dubsky}

July 18, 2012

New Craze: Donuts

Word on the street is that gourmet donuts are the new cupcakes. Now, I'm not sure how much the whole wedding cake being substituted by cupcakes, being substituted by donuts has been done, but I am convinced that it is about to start happening a whole lot more!

Reasons to love this idea:
  1. Who doesn't like donuts? Seriously! Can you name one person?
  2. Some people just aren't down with the traditional wedding cake.  And if you are one of these people, know that you have options. 
  3. It's so different - for now! Like I said: I am convinced that the donut is going to become the next cupcake. How cool would it be to do this before anyone else you know does?
  4. So many things can be done with this: have a mini donut buffet, create a donut tower, serve gourmet donuts as the dessert course to a formal name a few.

To get you thinking of the possibilities (and, of course, to make you crave this deliciousness) I have included a few images, courtesy of Jelly Modern Doughnuts. In my research for this post, I came across the website of this gourmet donut bakery, located in Calgary, Alberta. I could not stop gawking at their creations! Take a look and enjoy. 


{Photography by: Ryan Monson}

July 17, 2012

Welcome :)

Welcome to Knot It! If you are looking for inspiration for your own wedding, or just plain and simply love everything weddings, you have come to the right place. 

Weekly, you will find posted on here things that I love (all wedding-related, of course), from real weddings to style ideas to even a few planning tips.  Hopefully you will find what you are looking for.

Enjoy your visit!