August 3, 2012

Boozy Brides: Classy with a K

Have you ever been to a wedding where the bride was completely wasted? Thankfully, I have not.  BUT, I have heard many horror stories of this happening.  What’s my take on this?  Well, as the title (and the picture below) suggests: not so classy.

{Image via istockphoto}

There is so much time and effort that goes into planning a wedding.  It would be such a shame to miss it all for a few too many drinks.  If you're not worried about this, also consider the fact that people will remember. And sadly, they will talk. Of course you want your wedding to be unforgettable for years to come. But not for this reason!  People should remember your wedding because it was the best party they have ever been to.  They should remember it because the decor was stunning.  They should especially remember it because they have never seen a couple more in love.  However, they should not remember it because the bride drank a little too much and made a fool out of herself.  

Below are a couple of tips to help you avoid any disasters:
  • If you’re not a drinker, your big day is a bad day to start.  This is no time to test out your tolerance levels.
  • If you are a drinker, you should absolutely have a few and enjoy your big day.  The key is a few.  You want to remember every moment and every detail, because (if you're lucky) you're only doing this once - EVER!
  • If you do choose to drink, make sure you eat something!  So often, the bride and groom get caught up in the day (as they should), and forget to eat.  For the record, no food = a bad thing.
Hope you find these tips helpful!


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