July 24, 2012

The Toilet Paper Bride

This past weekend was one of my best friend’s bridal showers.  If you have ever been to a bridal shower, you know that it follows a pretty typical format: food, games, presents, games…not necessarily in that order.  This shower was no different, in that it followed this format.  But there were a couple of things about it that really stood out to me:

1. The food was served first. With showers, rarely is this the case.  To me, this was AMAZING (maybe because I love food and love to eat).  Showers usually take place mid-day, but in most cases the food is served towards the middle or end, so by that time, you’re starving! 

2.  The cake was not only beautiful, but was chocolate with Score bits.  Does it get any better than that?

3. There were just the right amount of games – not too many that took up the whole shower, but enough to occupy us and still allow us to socialize.  One game, in particular, really let us get creative:

Now, something that you should know about my friends and I is that we are very competitive.  Not with each other, but collectively as a group.  In it to win it – that is our motto.  So, of course, when it was time for our favourite shower game, The Toilet Paper Bride, we instantly gravitated towards each other to form a team and started planning our couture gown.  You probably think that I’m kidding – I am, but only a little bit.  

While we are quite skilled, we do not compare to the amazing designers below.  Yes, you guessed it.  All of these creations are made of toilet paper.   

{Designer: Carrie Hayes}

{Designer: Christopher Paunil}
{Designer: Jason Matlo}
{Designer: LOVAS Wesley Badanjak}
Images via Cashmere

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